Kursk State Teacher`s Training University

Department Of Psychology


The psychological department of Kursk State University was established in 1971. The department was organized by Sh. A. Frenkel - a desciple of S.L. Rubinstein, L.I.Umanski - a desciple of B.M. Teplov, A.S. Chernyshov - a desciple of L.I. Umanski. Professor A.S. Chernyshov is the head of the department at present.
In 1971 the scientific laboratory"Personality and the pupils' collective" and the post-graduate courses were set up. Over 20 Candidates of Science have been issued. Many of them work at the Universities and laboratories of
Kursk, Kiev, Voronezh, Kostroma, Smolensk, Chernigov and Haifa (Israel).

The department carries out different scientific programs aimed at studying the psychological state of youth groups and collectives ( pupils, students, students of vocational schools). Experimental fields "The Komsomol leader" and "The Scout", were set up both for training teenagers' leaders and for reseach.
By the end of the 70 's the Kursk Scientific School of Social Psychology had become well-known . The founders of the school are Professor L.I.Umanski and Professor A.S.Chernyshov.
The Kursk Psychological School contributed to:
1) The development of psychological approaches to an educational collective as the subject of activity and communication (known as the Parameter conception of a collective elaborated by Umanski and Chernyshov).
2) The creation and standardizing of psychological tests (called "GSI-7", "Arca" and others).
3) The development and application of new forms of social and psychological aid to the children affected by the Chernobyl disaster.Taking into account the principles of the school it can be called
the school of social and educational psychology or social and psychological education. The main problem the school deals with is how the education and upbringing of children and university students can be combined with their active participation in the life of their group that is the involvement in the system of interrelations and joint activities.

The department has published 18 books and monographs (one of them was published in Canada), 2 educational manuels, over 1000 articles both in Russia and abroad (England, Germany, Czech Republic, Canada).
Kursk Psychologists took part in 6 International Congresses of Psychologists of the USSR and Russia.
From 1983 till 1998 the Head of the Department, professor A.S. Chernyshov was elected Vice-President of the National Society of Psychologists.
The Department plays an important part at the University and is involved in various University programms.

The staff of the Department comprises Academician, Professor A.S.Chernyshov, Head of the Department, 10 Assistant Professors, 18 Candidates of Science.
The department has the section of Psychodiagnostics, the section of Psychological Relaxation (
Kornev A.V.), the section of Speech Correction (Schanin E.A.).
Since 1988 a special training course has been set up educating practical psychologists for schools and other educational establishments (Acatov L.I.).

The graduates constitute the basis of the psychological service in various educational institutions of the city and the region. The similar centres were established in Kursk, Zheleznogorsk.
Since 1990 the Department has been involved in the State Program called "The Psychological Assistance to the children affected by the Chernobyl disaster" according to which psychological help is rendered. The department monitors the social and psychological situations in the contaminated areas. The model of the study for psychological relaxation is created. The department carries out a large scale activity aimed at the psychological support of teenagers. Annually from 500 to 600 teenagers are proveded with such aid (
J. Lobkov, S. Sarychev).
Traditionally the department has been studying the youth movement. Since 1961 an experiment has been conducted; lots of socially gifted senior school - children (leaders) in the camp
"Komsorg"  activities have been trained.
The centre has helped many trainees find their place in life. They have become teachers, headmasters, officials, research workers.
In 1996 the department conducted a multiple competition in which students and teachers took part. They demonstrated their achievments in reseach and practical work aimed at creating programs developing young leader's abilities. It was devoted to the 35th anniversary of the "Komsomol Leader" camp.
The scientific ideas of the "Komsomol Leader" laid the foundations of a number of original youth centres.
Since 1985 there has been the centre of youth leaders "Vertikal" in Kursk.
In 1995 the Regional Centre of Working with children's creative associations
"Monolith" was established ( Sarychev S.V., Elizarov S.G.).
In 1995 the members of the staff created the Centre for assisting children and teenagers from boarding-schools and children's homes - 'Summer Village of Children's Unity' (
Antopolskaya T.A.).
In 1996 the camp "Magister" for gifted children was set up. (Lunev J.A.).
In Kursk the first regional consultation on problems of family and personality was established (Lunev Y.A.).

Russian Psychological Society (Kursk Region Bbranch)
Kursk State University
The Department of Psychology

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© Чернышев А.С., Сарычев С.В., Лунев Ю.А., 1996-2003.

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